Giving Opportunities
There are many ways to support Seton Hall Law. Choose the method that works best for you or call us at 973-642-8711 to speak with someone who can guide and help you.
By helping to increase the Law School's giving rate and funds raised, you are creating a direct and measurable impact on how Seton Hall Law fares in rankings, including U.S. News & World Report.
Giving online is fast, easy and safe. If you are logged in through Giving Portal, the Law School's online community, it will be even easier. It will take less than three minutes for you to leave a lasting legacy on today's students — no matter the size of your gift.
Through your gift, you are helping the Law School recruit and retain the most talented legal minds and scholars.
If you prefer to mail a check, please make it payable to Seton Hall Law School and be sure to include on the memo line the fund name, school, department or Law School initiative where you'd like your gift to go. Or if you prefer, give to the unrestricted Fund for Seton Hall Law, which allows us to determine and spend in the area of greatest need. We will use your gift exactly as you wish.
Please send it to:
Office of Alumni & Development
Seton Hall Law
One Newark Center
Newark, NJ 07102
Securities, Wire Transfers and Goods or Services
Seton Hall Law School's success in providing top-notch legal instruction hinges on the quality of its environment — not only its academic programs, but also the building that houses them. Should you so choose, your gift will ensure the excellence of spaces where learning happens each and every day. If you are planning a securities or wire transfer — or donating real estate, artwork or a gift-in-kind — we will be happy to guide you through the process. Please contact our office for support in making this type of gift.
More information about the benefits of donating appreciated securities can be found here.
You can also download stock transfer instructions here.
Planned Gifts
Right now, more than 88 %of Seton Hall Law School students receive some form of tuition aid, including scholarships. You can support future generations of students through planned gifts, unique opportunities that can benefit you, your loved ones and the Law School by remembering Seton Hall Law in your estate or with the use of non-cash assets.
Our office is ready to help you create a philanthropic strategy that is tailored to meet your financial needs. Learn more about planned giving.
Matching Gifts
Does your employer encourage your philanthropy through a matching gift program? Many companies have such programs in place for current employees, while some even provide the matching benefit to retirees and spouses. Click here to see if your comany participates.
Cy Pres Awards
Designating Seton Hall Law School as a class action cy pres recipient is another way to support the law school. Cy pres awards are residual funds in class action settlements or judgments that, for any number of reasons, are unclaimed or cannot be distributed to the intended recipients. Instead, these funds can be awarded to a nonprofit organization whose work advances the public interest and indirectly benefits the class members. Seton Hall Law qualifies as one of these nonprofit organizations.
Directing cy pres funds toward the law school can help Seton Hall Law advance legal education and experience for students while also providing community support when directed to Seton Hall Law programs such as the Legal Clinics, and our Centers of Excellence.
While it is ultimately up to the courts to determine whether a cy pres award is appropriate and where it should be directed, plaintiff and defense attorneys can play an important role by recommending to the court that Seton Hall Law be named as the beneficiary.
For more information on how you can support the law school through cy pres opportunities, please contact:
Office of Alumni and Development
(973) 642-8711
[email protected]
Learn more about the types of gifts you can make to Seton Hall Law.